And then... my voice slowly got lower...
"t... th..."
...and lower....
and lower...
"th... thaa..."
And then...
it stopped.
And then... everything... went... black.
and then I felt it.
I started shaking. I didn't know why, and I couldn't make it stop... but I started shaking. And not in the way that you shake when you're cold... I was shaking like a mad man...
I tossed myself to the right...
I tossed myself to the left..
and then to the right again...
and then back to the left...
I rolled around like a maniac.. but it was no use.
Everything... everything...
was still black.
No matter how much I shook... no matter how much I rolled... no matter how hard I fought...
Everything... was still... dead.
No matter what I do... everything.... everything...
will always... be dead.
There I lay, my (e/c) eyes shut tightly as I sat on my bed with my face buried into my knees, my arms wrapped tightly around my legs.
Tears ran down my (pale/tan/dark) face as I silently cried in the darkness of my room, my soft tears and uneasy breathing being the only sound you could here in the complete, dreaded silence that I hated so fucking much.
That laugh.
That smile.
That... that happiness..
It's gone...
It's all gone...
And the worst part is... that I know...
That I'm never going to see it again...
Because it's dead...
He's dead...
Everything... everything... is fucking dead.