Within the University Administration in the Government's regulatory authority under the supervision of the University Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the University must be based on the notion of good governance (Good Governance). TrRS 2542 (1999) and published in the Government Gazette on August 10, 1999: this regulation is effective since August 11, 1999, the State agency actions managed by principles of moral principles: 6. Parent participation principle accountability principle worth and responsibilities affect their performance in order to increase their ability to compete with the operation efficiency. Not a threat to the development of the University In order to know the breakdown of powers and responsibilities at home to supervise each level according to airline bosses, aware of the scope of the work to be achieved in accordance with the Organization's goals and objectives effectively. Internal audit is one of the agencies that need to have clarity of the structure of the Division, Division within the Organization to achieve smooth operations without interfering with pressure. Be able to report to senior management properly clear, reliable, timely, beneficial to the supervision operations within the organization. The issue of the Board's performance in internal audit department, in addition to operating the line; The missions to meet the standards of the global internal audit. Performance standards and the standards used to provide collateral, and counseling. Action to achieve the confidence of the check results are evidence of our retreat. Risk management, internal control, corporate governance and financial. The compliance system's security tasks within an organization achieve value for money. Save