1 Introduction
The rapid development of Internet application has greatly increased the information available on the
Internet, causing it difficult to carry out the first step towards E-commerce - ECommerce information retrieval.
1 Introduction
The rapid development of Internet application has greatly increased the information available on the
Internet, causing it difficult to carry out the first step towards E-commerce - ECommerce information retrieval.
The problem how to efficiently retrieves valuable information from huge mounts of information remains to be solved. Traditional information retrieval depends on techniques such as contents, indexes, and keywords, with advantages of being simple and speedy, while the
primary drawback is that those techniques could not mine the inner relationships among information and the retrieval results could not precisely and comprehensively meet user demands.
Since there being lack of a single semantic description for the entire internet information
resources, users could not properly locate the relevant contents and services [1].
The problem to realize intelligent business information retrieval relies on making the meaning of the internet information resources understandable by the retrieving system and facilitating the semantic integration of information resources.
Based on WordNet, Ray Richardson proposed the knowledge-based information retrieval method[2] by calculating the semantic distance between concepts, while the distance could be used to compute the similarity between the inquiring conditions and web pages.
Though the precision and recall rates on information retrieval are not so idealistic, this method has
provided a direction for semantic information retrieval.
1 IntroductionThe rapid development of Internet application has greatly increased the information available on theInternet, causing it difficult to carry out the first step towards E-commerce - ECommerce information retrieval.1 IntroductionThe rapid development of Internet application has greatly increased the information available on theInternet, causing it difficult to carry out the first step towards E-commerce - ECommerce information retrieval.The problem how to efficiently retrieves valuable information from huge mounts of information remains to be solved. Traditional information retrieval depends on techniques such as contents, indexes, and keywords, with advantages of being simple and speedy, while theprimary drawback is that those techniques could not mine the inner relationships among information and the retrieval results could not precisely and comprehensively meet user demands.Since there being lack of a single semantic description for the entire internet informationresources, users could not properly locate the relevant contents and services [1]. The problem to realize intelligent business information retrieval relies on making the meaning of the internet information resources understandable by the retrieving system and facilitating the semantic integration of information resources.ตาม WordNet ริชาร์ดสันเรย์เสนอวิธีเรียกข้อมูลความรู้ [2] โดยคำนวณระยะห่างระหว่างแนวคิด ในขณะที่ระยะทางที่สามารถใช้คำนวณความคล้ายคลึงกันระหว่างเงื่อนไขและหน้าเว็บสอบถามทางตรรกแม้ว่าอัตราความแม่นยำและเรียกคืนในการเรียกข้อมูลไม่ให้อุดมการณ์ วิธีนี้ได้มีคำสั่งสำหรับเรียกข้อมูลทางตรรก
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..