Hello honey and how are you doing today? Honey please you have to contact the bank email address immediately about the transfer of the funds to your bank account in Thailand..Please act very fast okay.Information below:Name of Bank: BIA-NIGER BankBank Manager: David AllanEmail address:info@bnigerltd.comContact the bank and make sure you co-operate with the bank manager.Thank you for your understanding my love.Yours LoveEricOn Saturday, March 14, 2015 3:43 PM, Eric Reschke wrote:Hi,how are you my dear wife,hope you are doing fine?Honey the red cros man to came to seen me today here in the military base hospital and i told him that him should go and withdraw the box from the shippping company to make a contact with the bank so that they can make the transfer to you in your bank account and i was told that there must be a procurement that documents that will bear your name and i want to let you know that as soon as the red cross man get in contact with the bank him will send me their information and i will forward it to you so that you can get in touch with the bank okay..I love you have a wonderful day my queenYours EricOn Tuesday, March 10, 2015 8:39 PM, Eric Reschke wrote:Honey i want to let you know that the money is well seal inside ultra modern material with code number and the shipping company will deliver the box to you in your doorstep but if you insist that the money should be transfer into your account well you have to send your account information..Honey i would advise you that the shipping company should carry on the delivery to you and when the consignment box arrive in Thailand before you can go and deposit the money in your bank account for security purposeThank youYours EricOn Tuesday, March 10, 2015 7:07 AM, krit2014 wrote:Eric I inform you that I can't take care of the box and resource security products to you.You please give the money into my bank account in Thailand. Number of your money is most safe to wait for you to spend and invest when out of the base.ส่งจาก Samsung Mobile