This study only focuses on organizations that are registered with the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
(FMM). Based on FMM's directory for 2012, there are 430 Malaysian organizations that are certified with ISO
14001. The entire population was used as the sample of this study. The selection of ISO 14001 certified
Malaysian organizations as the population for the study was due to the benefits obtain by these organizations.
Organizations which obtained ISO 14001 certification were most likely to be able to reduce the negative impact
of their activities on the environment since this certification prescribes the environmental management system
framework, which demonstrates a sound environmental management (Ann et al., 2006). Therefore, it can be
generalized that Malaysian organizations that are ISO 14001 certified are seen being actively involved in
environmental activities, hence justifies the selection of these organizations. The sample selection was in line
with Goh and Wahid (2010) who also conducted a study on ISO 14001 certified small and medium enterprises in
Malaysia. They found that the certification has positively enhanced business performance.