Experimental data from dynamic sorption experiments were
collected in Table 6, which shows the concentrations of heavy metal
ions in solutions used to rinse the algae, and the corresponding
concentrations of heavy metals ions in the algae after sorption.
Sorption of Mn2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+ was carried out for 30 min, while
sorption of Zn2+ – for 50 min. As mentioned above, equilibration of
algae and solution required more time when the initial concentration
of a metal ions was higher. The concentrations in solutions matched
the limiting concentrations for classes of surface waters (Table 1).
The concentrations of metal ions in solutions after the mineralization
of algae were decreased by subtraction of the concentrations
of metals naturally accumulated in algae: cMn (a,0)=0.153±0.021 mg/g
d.m.; cCu(a,0)=0.0078±0.0008 mg/g d.m.; cZn(a,0)=0.263±0.018 mg/g
d.m.; cCd(a,0)=0.0035±0.0004 mg/g d.m.