a universal and transformative post-2015 development agenda for eradicating poverty through sustainable development. Member states and other stakeholders concur that ending hunger and malnutrition through inclusive and sustainable agricultural, rural, and food systems is an essential part of the overall post-2015 vision. In his report, the UN secretary- general included ending hunger and malnutrition in the set of transformative and mutually reinforcing actions that apply to all countries and that are required to bring the overall post-2015 vision to life. In his words, “Addressing hunger, malnutrition, stunting and food insecurity…will require a combination of stable and adequate incomes for all, improvements in agricultural productivity and sustainability, child and maternal care and strengthened social protection for vulnerable populations.”7 Taking action in a comprehensive way will bring multiple benefits, including stronger economic growth, social inclusion, and sustainable rural development. One of the most important determinants of success for the post-2015 development agenda will be its means of implementation, particularly adequate financing. In this respect, the funds pledged at the June 2013 Nutrition for Growth summit in London are an important first step.