First of all, the standards they tell apply to ships length over 100 meter small ships
normally, you see there, we should understand this. They are interested sometime in the
rules and regulation, the absolute dimension, you see, there is the port is 500 meter; now,
if the ship is small, say 50 meter boat, it is going to, even if it has a 56 times, its turning
radius, it will still be 300 meter, less than 500 meter. But, bigger ships will be small
requiring more space, that is why, the rules are more for bigger ships 100 meter and all
mostly ocean going ships. You can apply that and we have in fact, recently checked it for
a sixty meter vessel, but it is not mandatory requirement. Then, there are some kind of
specification, of specification of what I should say, kind of, standard for fits less above
100. Yeah yeah yeah this this I M O standard that we will mention here now are
applicable for ships over 100 meter and there are some other kind of ships, etcetera and
they should be done in what is called deep. The the the application applicable conditions
are for deep unrestricted water and in calm environment for only fully loaded condition
condition and steady approach at test speed. Now, I will tell, see these are standard; that
means, in a very standard standardize environment, in a deep water ballast, water
condition, etcetera, a ship must possess at least so and so maneuvering characteristics.
What are those, so and so, and. So, and. So, this thing I will tell you and this is to be
done and checked finally, by doing those maneuvering trials that we mentioned last