2. Multiage Classes
3. Small Learning Communities
4. Student Advisories
5. Small Learning Communities with Academies
6. Multidisciplinary Curricula with Block Scheduling
7. Cooperative Learning
8. Project Based Learning
9. Peer Tutoring
10. Peer Instruction
11.Team Teaching
12. Community Service Learning
13. Looping
14. Business Partnerships for Assessment, Resources
and Funding
15. Global Connections
16. Internships
17. The Resurgence of Art
18. Laptops and Wireless Technology for Anytime
Anywhere Learning
19. Parent Involvement
20. Student Led Performances
21. Non-Academic Life-Skills Curricula
22. Meaningful Career Counseling
23. Social/Emotional Counseling
24. Physical Fitness Programs - Beyond Sports
25. Outdoor Learning
26. Student-run Independent Newspaper
27. Relevant Staff Development and Adequate Staff
Preparation Time
28. Rubrics and Portfolio-Based Assessment
29. New Paradigm School Buildings
30. After School Programs and Community Use of