Nice to meet you too...
You write very good English too...i understood you very well.
Actually, I can tell you are very sweet and have a good heart from what you wrote.
Thank you for the offer to show me around when I come to's my first time visiting Thailand. I am going to be in Bangkok for 1 week (from 22nd December) then I will go to Saiyok (Kanchanaburi) with my friend for 1 week and then back in Bangkok for another week before I come home. My friend and his partner will be with me also.
Next time I see my friends I will get her to write something to you...they are in Australia now.
I would really love to see more photos of you...I want to know you more and more.
Good to talk to you Ivy...and if we are real soul mates, nothing can keep us will be our destiny...this I believe.
Goodnight for now...and sweet dreams.