ABSTRACT | The development of a thermochemical energy
storage system based on ammonia, for use with concentrating
solar power is discussed in this paper. This is one of a number
of storage options for concentrating solar power, including
molten-salt storage, which is already operating commercially.
The ammonia storage development has involved prototype
solar receiver/reactors operated in conjunction with a 20-m2
dish concentrator, as well as closed-loop storage demonstrations.
An ongoing computational study deals with the performance
of an ammonia receiver for a 489-m2 dish concentrator.
The ammonia storage system could employ industry-standard
ammonia synthesis converters for superheated steam production.
A standard 1500 t/day ammonia synthesis reactor would
suffice for a 10-MWe baseload plant with 330 large 489-m2
dishes. At this stage, an updated economic assessment of the
system would be valuable.