D is length of period. Because of hourly operating state, it is taken as
1 h. q is air density which is considered as 1.225, and V is hourly
average wind velocity whose distribution is shown in Table 3.Solar
radiation on tilted plate is calculated for isotropic sky assumption
and using equation:
IT ¼ IbRB þ Idð1 þ cosbÞ=2 þ ðIb þ IdÞðð1 cosbÞ=2 ð4aÞ
Rb ¼ cosh=coshz ð4bÞ
where, IT is total solar radiation on tilted surface, Ib is horizontal
beam radiation, Id is horizontal diffuse radiation, Rb is ratio of beam
radiation on tilt factor, h is incidence angle, hz is zenith angle, q is
surface reflectivity, b is tilted angle of the plate.
The supply of hourly solar and wind energies must meet the
hourly demand, d. This expression can be formulated as
S as þW aw d