Vocabulary Preview. Ian and Cheska are at the Valley State College Career Planning and Placement Center. They are at the job bulletin board looking for summer jobs.
1. Listen carefully as your teacher reads the conversation. Put an (x) mark before the
unfamiliar words.
Nouns Adjectives Verbs
experience full-time find out
public health part-time look for
Cheska: What are you looking for, Ian?
Ian: I'm hoping to find a summer job in my major, public health.
Cheska: I'm sure you can. Do you have any experience in public health?
Ian: Yes, I do. I worked part-time in a lab in Taiwan last summer.
Cheska: That's great. I want to find a job writing for a local newspaper. I'd like to be a
Ian: Your major's journalism, isn't it?
Cheska: Uh-huh. I had a great job last summer when I was in Sydney City.
Ian: Really? What did you do?
Cheska: I worked part-time for Sunnyville Inquirer. It's the biggest newspaper in Sydney.
Ian: What did you do there?
Cheska: I wrote local news stories-you know news about Sydney City. But someday I want to write international news stories. Then I can travel around the world and find out what people are alike in other places.
Ian: That sounds wonderful. I’m sure you can do it.
Cheska: Are there any good jobs in public health on the bulletin board?
Ian: No, I don’t see anything interesting.
Cheska: You should try looking on the web. There are some great job sites. That’s how I found the job in the Sydney City.
Ian: That’s good idea. Do I search for “public health?”
Cheska: Try “jobs in public health” or the names of specific jobs. I search for “newspaper reporter.”
Ian: I’ll go to the computer lab right now and try that! See you later.
2 Listening for the Main Idea. Answer the question basing on the conversation you have heard.
What are Cheska and Ian doing?
Answer: ___________________________________
3 Listening for Specific Information. Go over the conversation once more. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What kind of job does Ian want?
Answer: ___________________________________
2. Where did Cheska work last summer?
Answer: ___________________________________
3. Where did Chan work last summer?
Answer: ___________________________________
4. What kind of new stories does Cheska want to write someday?
Answer: ___________________________________
5. How did Cheska find her job last summer?
Answer: ___________________________________