With respect to subdomain 1 (reactivity to tactile deep pressure), 93%
(n = 14) of preterm infants scored “deficient”. Comparing preterm and
full-term infants, there was a significant difference in this subdomain
(p b 0.0001) (Table 2). In subdomain 2 (adaptive motor functions), 53%
of the preterminfants scored normal, while in subdomains 3 (visual-tactile
integration) and 4 (ocular-motor control), 93% and 87% scored “normal”,
respectively. In subdomain 5 (reactivity to vestibular stimulation),
80% (n = 12) scored “deficient” and 20% (n = 3) scored “at-risk”,
i.e., 100% of infants had impaired postural control (Table 2).