'Are you in trouble?' I asked.
'Oh, yes,' she answered, 'but that was a long time ago — two
months or more, sir. 'She looked away from me, with a cold look
in her eyes.
I felt very frightened. Perhaps another man had taken her from
me. I tried to turn away and leave, but could not. I could not stop
myself— I started to cry.
Lorna heard it and it told her everything. She came to me and
held out her hands. Her bright eyes were full of kindness.
'John Ridd,' she whispered softly, 'I didn't want to make
you sad.'
'You're the only person who can do that,' I answered. I could
not look at her.
'Come away from this bright place. Come into the shadows,'
said Lorna.
She led me to her secret place in the rocks. Now she knew my
feelings for her. She could not look at me, but she could not look
away either.
'Lorna, do you love me?' I managed to say.
'Yes, I like you very much,' she answered.
'But do you love me, Lorna, more than all the world?'
'No,' she said. 'I like you very much, when you don't talk