13. They paly are the (true) believers whose hearts are
full of fear when Allah is mentioned and when
Ayaat are recited unto them they increase their
faith, and who trust in their Lord, Who establish
regular Salaat and spend of that we have bestowed
on them. Such are the true belivers; for them are
positions of honour with their Lord, and pardon and
a beautiful provision. (al-Anfacd: 2-4)
Note: Abu Darda Radhiallaho anho has said that an awe-stric-
ken heart is like the diy leafage of date-palm catching fire! Then he
addressed his pupil Shahr Ibne Haushab, and asked him if he under-
stood shivering of the body. The pupil replied that he did. Abu Darda
Radhiallaho anho then said that such was the time to make Du'aa
which would be accepted. Thabit Banani Rahmatullah alaihe has re-
lated that a pious man once said that he could tell which Du'aa of his
was accepted and which one was rejected. People enquired as to how
that was. He explained that when his body shivered, his heart was
filled with awe and his eyes shed tears, that was the moment when
Dua'a was accepted. Suddi Rahmatullah alaihe has said, "In the
above Ayat the meaning of "when Allah is mentioned' is to tell a
person, Tear Allah* at the time when he is bent upon inflicting
cruelty on someone or is about to indulge in a sin; his heart should
then be filled with fear of Allah!" Harith Ibne Malik Ansaari Radhi
allaho anhoy a Sahabi, was in the company of Rasulullah Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam who asked him, "How are you"? He replied, "O
Rasulullah, I have become a irue Mtfmin". Rasulullah Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam said, "Be careful of what you say; there is a basis for
everything; what is the proof of your Imaan?" (i.e. what has made
you say that you have become a true Momin). He submitted, "I have
detached myself from worldly life by keeping awake at night and
fasting during the day; the scene of Jannah with happy people
meeting each other remains always before my eyes, as Well as the
cries and uproar of the dwellers in Jahannam". Rasulullah Sal-
lallaho alaihe wasallam said* "Indeed, Harith! You have turned away
from worldly life, hold fast to this state", and repeated this three
times. (Durre Manthur)