weight relative to your height. The ideal is 30 A person with a BMI 25 and YOU IS YOU is considered to be overweight and a BMI over 30 indicates obesity(see Are you overweight? box).
■ 2. Measuring your waist. Another way to find out if you are at risk of being overweight is by reliabl abdom measuring your waist. You should measure your and m waist precisely(see Your waist is your health box) weig The WHO (World Health Organization) reports Sure that a healthy person's waist should measure a maximum of 31.5 in/80 cm for women and 37 in/94 cm for men. If your waist measures more than these figures, it's a red light indicating that you Awa are overweight. When the measurement is over 34.5 in/88 cm for women and 40 in/102 cm for men clo it's a sign that you are at serious risk, because there is an increase in fatty tissue around the digestive organs in the abdominal area, this type of weight gain can be very risky for the health.
■ 3. Body fat percentage. This figure is obtained with the Deurenberg figure, which requires a number of calculations. Normally medical specialists or nutritionists can work out this figure. The result is a percentage that indicates whether you are overweight.
The waist is a reliable method of estimating the intra- abdominal fat mass and measuring your weight. To make sure are taking the measurement properly keep in mind :
● Don't measure the waist level you use for your clothes, but measure a little bit above the belly ve button.
● The recommended ght level is halfway between the iliac med crest(the hipbone)and the edge of the last and lowest rib.
Find out how to calculate your BMI. To use this calculation you need to know your exact weight. The following is the formula :
Depending on the results of the calculation, you'll know if your weight is healthy :
● Underweight: when the BMI is less than 18.5.
● Normal or healthy weight: When your BMI is between 18.6 and 24.9.
●Overweight: when the BMI is between 25 and 29.9.
●Obesity: when your BMI is more than 30