Outside of the forest, many people were looking impatient.
“He still hasn’t come out and Yan Yu Ping Sheng left a while ago. How come he’s not getting the hell out of there.” Swore a young man in a low voice. That person was furious. Yan Yu Ping Sheng had said that the princess desperately wanted to see him, it really seemed like that was the case. He was inside, alone with the princess.
“Is there even anyone who knows who he is?” Asked someone. All the young people who were there belonged to the Imperial Palace, they were the children of the imperial ministers or children with noble blood, none of them was a common person.
Besides, for many people, Duan Xin Ye was the woman of their dreams. She had everything, beauty, charm and social status. They had been trying to meet the princess for such a long time but each time they could only wait outside, they couldn’t get inside.
“He definitely doesn’t belong to the Imperial Palace.” Replied someone. The crowd nodded, if he belonged to the Imperial Palace, they would have known about him.
“Since he doesn’t belong to the Imperial Palace, wait until he comes out and we will show him his place.” Said a cold and evil voice. They were all furious. They couldn’t even get inside, Lin Feng was inside and alone with the princess… they were all wondering what was happening, they were enraged.
At that moment, in the distance two silhouettes appeared. When the crowd saw these people, they all calmed down, it was him.
The young man leading the way looked cold, detached and serious, giving people the impression that he was already very mature, behind him was another young man, he looked as sharp as a blade.
“Is the princess here?” Asked the young man leading the way, sounding calm, indifferent and domineering.
“She’s here but ‘Officer She’ shouldn’t go and bother her.” said someone which surprised the young man, he then looked at his interlocutor and said: “What do you mean?”
When that person sensed the young man’s domineering expression, his heart started beating faster. He was surprisingly a bit scared. She Qiong was the youngest officer of the Imperial Guards, how inspiring!
“A guy went in, he’s been in there for a while already. I’m just afraid that you will disturb the princess.” Replied the person again, stupefying She Qiong, his eyes looked ice-cold.
He started walking forwards in the direction of the forest but as before, he wasn’t allowed to enter.
“Let me in.” Said She Qiong in a low voice yet sounding domineering and furious.
When the crowd saw that, smiles appeared on their faces. She Qiong had an extraordinary social status and was extremely talented. He had become the youngest officer in a faction of the Imperial Guards. He was much more outstanding than them, besides, She Qiong also pursued the princess, unfortunately, Duan Xin Ye wasn’t interested in him which upset him.
But all of them were upset by the fact that Lin Feng was inside, alone with the princess, for such a long time. That time, She Qiong was leading the way so they would be able to go inside with him.
“The princess said it, she doesn’t want to be disturbed.” Said the women blocking the way in a cold tone.
“If you don’t let me in, then don’t blame me for barging in.” Said She Qiong sounding furious.
“Try and dare!”
“There is nothing that I, She Qiong, can’t do. Even the second prince His Highness said that I could come here as I wish.” Said She Qiong indifferently.
“She Qiong, you are really audacious.” At that moment, a shout spread through the air. The crowd looked in the direction of the forest and looked embarrassed.
It was Duan Xin Ye, she looked lithe and graceful. Behind Duan Xin Ye was the young man who had been with her all the time, Lin Feng.
Lin Feng was looking at She Qiong, that young man was very strong, from head to toe, he was releasing an oppressive aura.
Besides, he just said that Duan Wu Ya authorized him to come as he wished? Lin Feng was a bit surprised.
“Xin Ye!” Shouted She Qiong looking a bit more tender but immediately after, he looked at Lin Feng in an extremely domineering and aggressive way, his eyes looked ice-cold, he then asked: “Who are you?”