“640K ought to be
Enough for anybody.”
Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft)
in 1981,talking about
computer memory
“We don’t like their sound,and
guitar music is on the way out.”
Decca Recording Co.,rejecting the Beatles,1962
“It is a terrible thing to see
and have no vision.”
Helen Keller (American author,activist,
and lecturer.She was the first deaf and
blind person tograduate from college.)
“Never let formal
Education getin the
Way of your learning.”
Mark Twain(Writer)
“It’s easy to play any musical
Instrument: all youhave to do
Is touch the right key at the
Right time,and the instrument
Will play itself.”
Johann SebastianBach (Composer)
“How could anyone govern a
Nation that has 246 different
Kinds of cheese?.”
Charles de Gualle (French president)
An archaeologist is the best
Husband a woman can have.
The older she gets, the more
Interested he is in her.
Agatha Christie (Writer)
“Wise men talk because they have
Something to say; fools talk because
They have to say something.”
Plato (Greek philosopher)
“When yousit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it’s only a minute.But when you sit on hot stove for a minute, you think it’s two hours.That’s relativity.”
Albert Einstein (Scientist)
“I’m not afraid to die.I
Just don’twant to be there
When is happens.”
Woody Allen (Movie director)
“everthing that can be
Invented has been invented.”
Attributed to Charlres H.nDuell
(Commisionner, U.S. Office of Patents),1899
“Those who do not
Complain are never pitied.”
Jane Austen (Writer)