Other architectural details also depart from tradition. Thus the pediments of the two flanking pavilions which one might expect to find decorated with Phra Narai on garuda, or a dews with sword, are instead decorated with the royal insignia of the Fifth Reign consisting of a crown on a paan (circular offering tray) carried by the three-headed elephant Erawan and flanked with a lion and a Kojasi. The central pediment is adorned with the emblem of state specific to the Fifth Reign the Chakri symbol of a three-pronged fork and discus below a crown, with a shield containing the three-headed elephant Erawan, above another elephant and pair of crossed daggers. On the pediment above a the entrance porch on the first floor is the Chakri emblem surrounded by a chain, while on the curved pediment below the balcony railing is an mosaic portrait of King Chulalongkorn. Apart from the pediments, the Chakri emblem appears elsewhete on the building such as on the wrought iron gates