I think that some of the things you do on your travels are great and I'm glad that you seem to enjoy yourselves. However, If you go fishing again, please remember that animals are sentient beings that can feel pain and many species are becoming endangered. If you fish, please either eat the food or release it back into the water but DO NOT abuse them in either case. What you were doing was cruel to the animals - I was sick to my stomach just watching your awful behavior. While disrespectful fishers like yourselves are not the main cause for the endangerment or extinction of animals, you are definitely a factor and whether the animals you catch are endangered or not, the abuse of them is unacceptable and disgusting. An animal's pain/life is not worth a few laughs from you and I'm sure you can have a good time without causing sentient beings pain. If you didn't realize your actions were harmful then I hope you do now. I hope, for the sake of the animals, that you realize your mistake and either become a more responsible and caring fisher or stop fishing altogether.