Greenhouse technology is a breakthrough in the agricultural
production technology that integrates market driven quality
parameters with the production system profits (Aldrich and
Bartok, 1989). In the present scenario of perpetual demand of
vegetables and shrinking land holding drastically, protected
cultivation or Greenhouse technology is the best alternative
for using land and other resources more efficiently. Greenhouses are framed structures covered with transparent or
translucent material and large enough to grow crops under
partial or fully controlled environmental conditions to get
maximum productivity and quality produce. At present, there
are more than 50 countries supporting commercial crop
cultivation in green house. In India, use of green house
technology started in 1980s as research activity. The green
houses for commercial purposes started in 1988 and it is
increasing in area because of liberalization in economy and
stress on export promotion. The Greenhouse tomato is a major
vegetable crop that has achieved tremendous popularity over
the last century. Tomatoes, aside from being tasty are very
useful for our heath as they are a good source of Vitamins A
and C. Cooked tomatoes and tomato products are the best
source of lycopene, which is very powerful antioxidant and
helpful in preventing the development of many form of
cancer. Hence, this crop is gaining its importance both in
developing and developed countries and efforts are being
made for the quality and quantity production of tomato. In
open field, fruit yield and quality are poor due to prevailing low
temperature during the winter season when it is grown and
also crop faces severe attack of frost due to which growth of
the crop is affected and resulted lower yield. In this direction,
Greenhouse is the best alternative for quality and quantity
production of tomato because in addition to higher yield; the
production is also free from dust, insect, disease and pest.
Moreover, due to favorable environment the size of the fruit
remain uniform. Water is an important input for Greenhouse
tomato because irrigation is the only source for application of
water to the plants in Greenhouse. Several efforts have been
conducted to use irrigation as efficient as possible under
protected cultivation system. The use of drip irrigation saves
water and gives better plant yield and quality as it reduces the