panelist gave similar values to burger control and burgers added with
5% of PFA (p N 0.05) for this descriptor. As regards fatness perception,
the sample added with 5% of PFA showed the lowest (p b 0.05) values.
These results were in agreement with the instrumental analysis (See
Table 1) andcanbe explainedby theOHCthat thePFAshowed. As occurs
with taste intensity, for fatness perception, the panelist gave similar
values to burger control and burgers added with 2.5% of PFA (p N 0.05).
The addition of PFA (at 2.5 or 5%) did not affect (p N 0.05) the juiciness
or chewiness of pork burgers. These descriptors did not lead to differences
in sensory scores even though they were detected by instrumental
the texture assessment (Table 3). This could be explained by the higher
swelling capacity of PFA. For granularity descriptor no statistical differences
(p N 0.05) were found between the control samples and the samples
addedwith different concentrations of PFA. For overall acceptability,
the samples added with 2.5% of PFA showed the highest (p b 0.05)
scores. The panelist gave similar values to burger control and burgers
added with 5% of PFA (p N 0.05) for this descriptor.