‘Hey,look !’ he said. ‘Nobody lives in that old house. Let’s go there. Old houses are always good for treasure.’
‘Good for ghosts. too !’ said Huck.
They look the pick and shovel with them. Went down the hill, and into the old house. They looked in all the rooms downstairs, and then went upstairs. But there was no treasure, and no ghosts. Then they heard a noise.
‘Sh !’ said Tom, suddenly. ‘what’s that ?’
‘Ghosts !’ whispered Huck.
Therewere holes in the floor, and through them the boys could see into the rooms downstairs.
‘No.’ Tom whispered. ‘It’s two men. One is the old Spaniard. He came to live in the village last week. I don’t know the other man. Sh! Let’s listen to them.’
‘Hey,look !’ he said. ‘Nobody lives in that old house. Let’s go there. Old houses are always good for treasure.’
‘Good for ghosts. too !’ said Huck.
They look the pick and shovel with them. Went down the hill, and into the old house. They looked in all the rooms downstairs, and then went upstairs. But there was no treasure, and no ghosts. Then they heard a noise.
‘Sh !’ said Tom, suddenly. ‘what’s that ?’
‘Ghosts !’ whispered Huck.
Therewere holes in the floor, and through them the boys could see into the rooms downstairs.
‘No.’ Tom whispered. ‘It’s two men. One is the old Spaniard. He came to live in the village last week. I don’t know the other man. Sh! Let’s listen to them.’
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