In 1983, Jobs recruited Pepsi-Cola CEO John Sculley as Apple’s president and CEO. Jobs hoped that this change would bring more structure and organization to the young company. 13 Apple's biggest computer achievement, the Macintosh (Mac), was released. After initially opposing it, Jobs had person ally taken on the task of developing the Mac, which became the first PC featuring a graphical interface and a mouse for navigation. Apple first presented the now-famous Macintosh computer with a riveting January 1984 Super Bowl commercial. The memorable commercial featured an Orwellian 1984 world filled with stoic human zombies, all watching a large-screen image of "Big Brother. A young woman rushes into the room and dramatically destroys the screen. Apple used this 1984 imagery to depict IBM's computer dominance being destroyed by the new Macintosh. 14 With features that made the Mac easy to use for publishing and a marketing strategy that concentrated on universities, the new computer sold very well, pushing Apple's fiscal 1984 sales to an unprecedented $1.5 billion. 15