The study of the influence of osmotic solution concentrations on mass transfer behavior during osmotic
dehydration of pineapple slices was carried out using three different sugar solution concentrations of 40%,
50% and 60% (w/w). This experiment was carried out at temperature of 40°C and using of 10 mm
pineapple slices throughout the experiment.
Fig. 1 to 4 illustrate plots of each of the respective mass transfer parameters (% WL, % SG, % WR and %
TS) as a function of osmotic times due to the influence of three different sugar solution concentrations. It
was observed from these figures that for all the three sugar solution concentrations (40%, 50% and 60%)
studied, there were rapid rates of water loss (WL), sugar gain (SG) and weight reduction (WR) for the first
hour of the osmotic process, after which the rate of these mass transfer parameters gradually slowed