Dear Ms. Siriporn Chaisawat
This is in respect to your email, I have been directed by the Director Payment Office/Telex Services Department, Mr. Mark Gerald, to write to you in respect to your mail and your contact which we earlier receive from your partner Engineer. Alex Collins Scot and he wishes you to stand as his next of kin to claim the funds deposited in our bank.
Engineer. Alex Collins Scot a citizen of U.K is our customer with Account number 40063976 /QB/91/A, IBANBIC: WMBLGB2L substantial Amount (US$250,000) Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand United State Dollars Deposited in our Bank.
Hence you have been appointed as a trustee and future partner to receive the said amount, before we proceed on the transfer of the funds into your personal bank account,
You are requested to complete the form below;
1} Your Account name:........................Ms. Siriporn Chaisawat
2} Your Account number:.....................412-0-11915-7
3} Yours swift code:...............................
4} Yours bank name:.....................................Bank of Thailand
5} Yours bank address....