In recent years, researchers in various countries have
conducted localised research using the NWI-R. In Australia,
Joyce and Crookes [13] constructed the Australian version of
the NWI through cultural adaptation, adjusting the language,
content, and presentation of the original scale. In France,
Bonneterre and colleagues [14] extended the NWI-R and
developed the NWIeExtended Organization (NWI-EO) by
verifying its reliability and validity through a survey of 4085
nurses from 214 hospitals. The scale included three dimensions
(team cohesion, work organisation, support from
management personnel) and 19 items. However, items in the
NWI-R are still outdated, which was their drawback. Moreover,
this tool is insufficiently related to the magnet work
environment, such as the new item “team nursing as the
nursing delivery system”, which cannot effectively distinguish
between a magnet and non-magnet work environment.
In addition, the NWI-R is no longer applicable for evaluating
nurse satisfaction or the perception of quality care, which are
traits of magnet hospital organisation.
In recent years, researchers in various countries haveconducted localised research using the NWI-R. In Australia,Joyce and Crookes [13] constructed the Australian version ofthe NWI through cultural adaptation, adjusting the language,content, and presentation of the original scale. In France,Bonneterre and colleagues [14] extended the NWI-R anddeveloped the NWIeExtended Organization (NWI-EO) byverifying its reliability and validity through a survey of 4085nurses from 214 hospitals. The scale included three dimensions(team cohesion, work organisation, support frommanagement personnel) and 19 items. However, items in theNWI-R are still outdated, which was their drawback. Moreover,this tool is insufficiently related to the magnet workenvironment, such as the new item “team nursing as thenursing delivery system”, which cannot effectively distinguishbetween a magnet and non-magnet work environment.In addition, the NWI-R is no longer applicable for evaluatingnurse satisfaction or the perception of quality care, which aretraits of magnet hospital organisation.
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