Tutorial: Easy STBL Editor
I've always found creating, editing, and adding translations to STBLs to be tedious, and wished for a tool to make it easier to do. So I did it myself. This tool is meant to be useful for script modders, maybe object modders, and users who want to make translations for their own games and/or contribute translations to mod creators.
Here's a run-through of the main functions:
Creating an STBL and adding strings:
1) Unzip all the program files to a folder and run EasySTBLmanager.exe. Initially the 'preferred language' will be English, but you can change it using Settings / Set Preferred Language. The Preferred Language determines which language the strings will be shown in in the Strings List tab. (Assuming an STBL for your preferred language exists in the package. If not, the first language the program finds - usually English - will be used.)
2) Use File / Open Package to open a package. If the package has an STBL, it will be opened and the languages will be listed in the Language List tab, and the strings will be listed in your preferred language in the Strings List tab.
If the package does not have an STBL, you'll see a 'Create STBL' button in the upper section. Click that, and you'll get a window asking you to select the languages you want to create STBLs for. You'll also have to enter a name to be used to generate an Instance ID for the STBLs - usually this will be a unique name for your mod, like "cmarXmods.PregnancyController". You may find it easier to create only one STBL (usually English) to start with, add your strings, and duplicate it to the other languages later.