1. Archaeological Exploration
The project is intended to be a long-term archaeological
exploration of Peninsular Siam and will be interdisciplinary in nature, using approaches, methods, and techniques
from related fields of study, besides the unique archaeological methods of survey and excavation. It will encourage collaborative efforts to ask and answer questions seen
from different angles to break new ground in our research.
Members of the consortium will provide expertise and
consultation to the project. Insights, knowledge, and skills
learned in the field will be shared and a network of scholars
This long-term exploration is expected to have many
phases. For instance, the first phase will focus on the cultural geography and chronology of Nakhon Si Thammarat,
while in the following years, the thematic or spatial focuses
may change to the religious practices and constructions
around the Bay of Bandon if we already have sufficient
knowledge of Nakhon Si Thammarat since the isthmian
tract is a large area to explore.
The project will promote cross-border research and subprojects as well. Joint research projects between archaeologists from different countries to study ancient cultures
across borders are envisioned since the Peninsula is a maritime crossroads. The project plans to also act as an umbrella
under which many sub-projects can coexist. For example,
the project can accommodate and facilitate both Paleolithic
cultural research at Krabi and underwater archaeological research at Koh Samui. The project promotes research
opportunities for all members in this area.
2. Publications
Making information accessible to the public is of high priority for the project. Survey and excavation reports, results
of analyses, and research progress will be published regularly as the exploration advances. A project website will be
established. Through information sharing, the project can
enhance the degree to which its findings are made use of, in
order to build up and carry the field forward.
3. Archaeological Education and Training
The project will offer education and training in archaeology and related fields. Thai and non-Thai students from
consortium universities will be able to register for the project’s regular summer field school. This will be the first formal