No, and maybe there have been opportunities for this that I haven’t, like maybe
there was a forum or something that I couldn’t go to, I don’t know. But, um, I’m
just covering my bases here, I have never attended something like that. I’m not
going to claim I’ve never been invited to do something like that because my
memory is not that great but in the six years I’ve never participated in something
like that.
When questioned about the possibility of partnering with a staff member from
student affairs, one faculty member expressed concern that the involvement of student
affairs might lead to a model of making everything fun and a lessening of rigor. Albert
Keene noted, in speaking about collaborating with student affairs:
Interviewee: …sometimes they can be helpful but sometimes not. They have a
job to do and they’re interested in doing well at their job which often comes in
conflict with the job I need to do.
Researcher: Um, can you talk about that just a little bit, uh like uh, where the two
might collide?