To intuitively observe and evaluate the 3D conductive network constructed with RGO@CNC skeleton in NR matrix, the unvulcan-ized RGO@CNC/NR nanocomposites were molded at 150◦C and 10 MPa for 5 min. Then, the RGO@CNC/NR nanocomposites were etched with toluene to remove the NR matrix. The RGO@CNC/NR sample (10/10/100 wt/wt/wt, prepared without vulcanization) was extracted (Soxhlet extraction) by toluene for 4 h. Then the extracted RGO@CNC nanohybrids skeleton was dried in drying oven at 60◦Cfor 12 h. The RGO skeleton was prepared following the same pro-cedure above.