In the ANOVA test which carried out to determine the influential of ethnicity on exercise imagery and frequency, variation in ethnicity did not show any difference in level of exercise imagery. Rather, significant difference in level of physical activity was found among different races. Insignificant difference in exercise imagery among different races may caused by uncertainty or lack of understanding in the use of exercise imagery as participants in this study are not athletes and they are not trained on how to use imagery during their workout. It is possible that the respondents in this study are actually using imagery when they exercise but due to lack of understanding on imagery, they are unaware of imagery usage in exercise imagery that lead to the insignificant of difference in findings. A reported by [24], in their study, the level of physical activity was not correlated with ethnicity but the mean physical activity score for both male and female for Malay and Chinese varied from each other. Cultural difference could be one of the reasons that is likely lead to the difference of level of physical activity in ethnicity as the Malays were in the fasting period when this study was carried out which could possibly explained why they are the lowest in terms of physical activity level among other races. However, difference among the Chinese and Indian was unexplainable due to the lack of studies on role of ethnicity in exercise frequency. In this study, age was also another variable being used to test its influence on exercise imagery and exercise frequency. There was no significant difference showed in this study as compared to previous study that suggested elder participants had lower level of exercise imagery compared to the younger ones [7]. Different age groups also failed to associate any relation with level of physical activity in this study. It was found that the size of the sample used in previous studies were bigger compared to this study and that could be the possible factor that leads to inconsistent result with previous study. However, [20] did bring up an issue about age alone does not distinguish the usage of imagery in the individuals. He proposed to measure exercise imagery by using age-byactivity level interaction as his study reported significant difference in the use of technique imagery with the