Go The Korat is of medium sized and is muscular and athletic. They are very like the Russian Blue in appearance, but have a single rather than a double coat, are more rounded in shape and have peridot green rather than emerald eyes. Females are daintier than males. The head has a characteristic heart shape when viewed from the front and is widest across the eyes. The forehead is large and flat and the nose is short with a slight downward curve. In profile there is a stop between forehead and nose. The chin and jaw are strong and well defined. The ears are large and taper from a wide base to a rounded tip. They are set high on the head giving an alert expression. The wide set eyes are large and luminous, wide open and appear to be large in proportion to the face. They are brilliant peridot green but a slight amber cast is acceptable in show cats. The body is strong and muscular, neither long like a Siamese nor cobby like a British Shorthair. The back is carried in a curve. The legs should be in proportion to the body with the hind legs slightly longer than the front. The tail is of medium length, broad at the base and tapering to a rounded tip. Weight Height RangeKorats weigh between 2.5 - 5kgs. Feeding The Korat will require approximately 70-80 Kcals of food per kg of bodyweight per day. They are not prone to obesity and tend only to eat what is necessary to maintain their weight.
Try Royal Canin Breed Specific Cat Food
AilmentsThe Korat has no specific health problems and is capable of living a long and active life well into their teens. It is advisable to have an annual health check from about the age of eight or nine to check teeth and liver and kidney function.