required amount of antioxidant was pipetted into a cuvette,
and then ethanol and hexane were added to maintain a
constant ethanol–hexane ratio in the final reaction
mixtures. These antioxidant mixtures were subjected to
preincubation at room temperature for 5 min in the dark.
To start the reaction, 1mL of DPPH in ethanol (0.3 mmol/
L, stored at 30 1C) was added to 2mL of the antioxidant
mixture in a teflon capped cuvette at room temperature.
The mixtures were shaken quickly, placed into the cell
holder and the absorbance was measured at 540nm with a
UV spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-Visible Recording
Spectrophotometer UV-60). Each cuvette was removed
from the spectrophotometer and incubated at room
temperature. To make sure that they were not exposed to
light, the cuvettes were covered with an opaque container.
Absorbance at 540nm was measured every 10 min over a
60 min time period.