Yogurts with probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 were prepared using cow’smilk and boiled rice (13% wt/wt) was incorporated into yogurts at the end of the incubationperiod. Four rice varieties namely, At-309, At-405, MA-2 and Thai Jasmine (KDML 105) wereused for the study. Microbial, physico-chemical and sensory properties of rice yogurts wereevaluated during 21 days of storage at 4oC. Incorporation of rice into yogurts significantlyimproved the crude fiber contents (p<0.05) of yogurts. All rice incorporated yogurts showedhigher water holding capacity compared to that of plain yogurts (without rice) throughout thestorage. Titratable acidity, viscosity and hardness of yogurts demonstrated the similar trends.Bifidobacterium counts of the rice incorporated yogurts were higher (>8 cfu.g-1) than that ofplain yogurts at the end of storage period, probably due to prebiotic effect of rice. There weresignificant differences among the yogurt samples for evaluated sensory characteristics andAt-405 rice yogurt demonstrated the lowest overall sensory acceptability. Therefore, carefulselection of suitable rice varieties is vital in producing symbiotic rice yogurt with high quality.
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