There is a certain disappointment about waking up early,and an even more disappointment when you cannot fall back asleep! The primary cause of difficulty staying asleep near morning is insomnia which is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep, or sleep that's simply not refreshing. Although waking up some nights,they tend to be more frequent as the night rolls on! Anxiety or depression may be a cause and provoke any awakenings,as the individual set for a specific time of awake could wake up several hours beforehand! The causes may require the use of medications or counselling,also studies have shown that when assisted by a psychiatrist is most effective. Sleep can undermine mood, and conversely, mood problems can greatly affect sleep. By working on both issues together, the complexity of this relationship can be unraveled. When your mind is restless,you tend to get up early,also consuming alcohol or caffeine can deeply effect your sleep. When your mind is focused on an early awakening you merely will wake up unscheduled. A few tips that could help: 1-Preserve the darkness,Keep the room dark when you wake up. prevents the mind and body physically to not contribute with your energy,whether your going to the bathroom or anywhere else! 2-Move the clock out of reach. Constantly checking the clock and calculating how long you've been awake only feeds your anxiety. 3-. Breathe and ease,a 3 step approach sleeplessness that works. 1. First, do "belly breathing,which means breathing deeply enough that your diaphragm rises and falls. 2. Isolate each part of your body, from your feet up to your neck, by tensing and relaxing it. 3. imagine yourself in a favorite place, such as lying in the sun on the beach. Use all of your senses; imagine that you're hearing the waves and smelling the salt air. If it doesn't work the first time, do all three steps again in the same order.