Inflammation is the body’s immune response to harmful stimuli, possibly in response to an infection, but not actually an infection. Inflammation is essentially part of the body’s attempt to heal itself. Inflammation helps infections, wounds, and tissue damage heal, and is a natural response. Even when an infection is causing the inflammation, the inflammatory response is not the infection itself. Infections are caused by bacterium, virus, or fungus. Inflammation is simply the response.
Infections, as mentioned previously, are caused by virus, fungus, or bacteria. Infections occur without an obvious injury to the affected area. Severe pain and ongoing toothaches can be indicative of an infection in the pulp of the tooth, for example. Things like swelling and tenderness in the gums may not indicate an infection, but if they are persistent, they can. Deep decay in the pulp of the tooth can be the cause of inflammation, irritation, and infection. You should suspect infection if you are consistently sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, have regular inflammation and sensitivity in the gums, and severe pain when chewing. You should consult a dentist or endodontist and have the problem evaluated.