As Anny was passing through the sea, Paul, who was riding a skateboard, tried to exit the gate in the other direction.Witnesses who saw Paul said Paul was doing skateboard tricks as he came out of the gate. One witness said that he jumped in the air and tried to flip his skatebiard and land on it. Instead, he fell down and his skateboars went flying straight at Anny on her bicycle.
No one saw whether the skateboard hit Anny,but several witnesses reported that Anny screamed as she crashed into Paul, who was lying on the ground. Anny's bicycle ran over Paul's left leg, and Anny fell off her bicycle and landed right on top of Paul.
Paul was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. However it is not known for sure whether Paul broke his leg after falling off his skateboard, or whether Anny broke his leg by running over it with her bicycle.
Anny was not injured in the accident, but her bicycle had a fiat tire and needed to be fixed.The day after the accident, students from Paul's class visited him in the hospital and gave him a get-well-soon card.