1. Memory Village, Haiti
Ron and Carla Bluntschli, an American couple that lived in Haiti for over twenty years, wanted to build a theme park to recreate what their ancestors had experienced. This theme park would allow visitors to see what it was like to be a slave and was aimed at having guests kidnapped and having them walk across an area that was supposed to be similar to the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately (or maybe for good reason), the park was never built; despite the couple starting a fundraising campaign to raise money for the unusual “funfair.” Apparently; however, other people had thought that this was a good idea, and Carl Guerrier created a “virtual tour” so others could see what it would have really been like.
If Memory Village would have come to fruition, people could have been a “slave for a day” and be brutally tortured and beaten. Is there anyone else out there thinking that this does not really sound like a great way to spend their vacation?