2. Design Guidelines/Technical Data The conventional nitrification process typically consists of a complete mix-steady-state aeration tank with 6 hr. hydraulic detention time, operating at 10 °C, and receiving an influent containing 25 mg/L of TKN (with 25 percent of the TKN contained in the side-stream dewatering liquid). To demonstrate the difference between the conventional nitrification process and nitrification with supplemental nitrifiers (InNitri process), KOS (1998) presented theoretical equations and results of modeling for a typical WWTP. Mathematical modeling results showed that, for conventional nitrification at 10 °C, as the operating SRT is decreased, the concentration of nitrifiers also decreased, while ammonia nitrogen in the effluent increased. For the InNitri® approach, results indicate that nitrifiers are present in the
main aeration tank at all SRT values.