This study was carried out in Klang valley area whereby
questionnaires consisting Exercise Imagery Inventory (EII)
and Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (LTEQ) are
randomly distributed to individuals at Faculty of Education in
University Putra Malaysia, Myoga in Mid-valley Gardens,
Assunta Hospital, Petaling Jaya, as well as through email. A
total of 100 hardcopies where distributed out while 50
softcopies were sent out through email. However, only 24
respondents replied the email. Therefore, sums of 124 sets of
data were analysed. Age of the participants range from 18 to
60 years old (M = 28.92, SD = 9.34). Among the 124
participants, 45 of them were males while 79 of them were
females. These individuals consisted of 29 Malays, 79
Chinese, 14 Indians, 1 English and 1 Kadazan.