This is supported by the increasing demand for palm oil for food (edible oil), industrial (oleochemical), and alternative energy sources-based biodiesel [2]. The most detrimental properties of these oils are their high viscosity, low volatility, poor atomization and auto-oxidation [3]. Recently considerable attention in developing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand has been drawn to the production of biofuels from domestic, renewable resources [4]. biofuels from domestic, renewable resources [4].
Oil palm development is inseparable from the needs of the plant material, such as seeds that will largely determine the quality of production. The seeds can be obtained through plant breeding programs, both conventional and non-conventional. There are some obstacles in conventional breeding, it requires longer time and the selection of the target gene to be expressed in morphological traits is difficult to determine. The appearance of plant phenotype is not only determined by the genetic composition but also by the environmental factors. In addition, the low frequency of the desired individual in a population, makes it difficult for the selection to get statistically valid results, and the linkage gene between desirable trait and unwanted trait is difficult to separate when crossing [5].