I'd like to say thanks for writing me back and giving me your e-mail. I really appreciate it. It felt so good to get a reply from you. Well, I feel its right to introduce myself first of all, before we can go any further. Its always really difficult to start a conversation especially when you know its with someone that just might become special and you don't want to put a foot in the wrong direction. I don't know how to start but please feel free to ask me for any information you feel I left out. So I'll tell you a about myself.
My name is Simeon Declan , you can call me Simmy. I am 49 years old,(my birthday is MARCH 29TH) a widower. I am an Archaeologist, I find Rare Artifacts and Crafty works of art. I travel to different parts of the world to acquire them and then bring them back home, where I sell them. I love my job and I hope you would also.
I was married but I lost my wife about 3 years ago. She died of Cervical Cancer. I have a Daughter, her name is Monica. She is 7YEARS OLD(HER BIRTHDAY IS April 11TH) and lives with me. We live in the city of Miami, which is in Florida,United States of America . We are always together because we are all alone in this world now. I was the only child of my parents and they are deceased now. I love watching movies, writing and reading poetry. I actually started writing when I was a teenager. I also like cooking (looking forward to teasing you with one of my favorite recipes...hopefully if we get along)...smiles...