3.4. Total juice evaluation
The Folin–Ciocalteu method allowed a good discrimination between
MHGE, NJ and IJ. MHGE showed a higher TPC
(21.41 ± 0.04 mg GAE/g DW) than NJ (2.90 ± 0.02 mg/g DW) and
IJ (6.40 ± 0.01 mg/g DW). By contrast, no large differences in total
anthocyanin content were observed between the three juices (Table
3). In a previous works (Orak, 2007)], reported that the correlation
between antioxidant activity and TPC was more significant
than with TAC. Thus, a high antioxidant activity of MHGE is expected
due to its high content in colourless polyphenols.
MHGE, NJ and IJ were also compared by their physical characteristics
as weight, volume, Brix degree, pH and colour (Table 3).
The three juices have close pH values but different sweetness values
as expressed by Brix degrees. As evidenced by a hab value near
0, the colour of the natural juice supplemented with the MHG extract
was darker and redder than the natural juice (hab 45).
3.5. Sensorial tests
The results of sensorial tests for the three juices (Fig. 3) are correlated
with their physical characteristics. The panellists found NJ
sweeter than the other juices, whereas the astringency, acidity,
smell and global evaluation of the three juices approximately gave
the same attributes. Otherwise, the colour of the supplemented
juice (IJ) was more attractive than that of the natural juice, which
is an important point as colour is typically the first sensorial quality
that attracts attention and influences the consumer’s choice.
3.4. Total juice evaluationThe Folin–Ciocalteu method allowed a good discrimination betweenMHGE, NJ and IJ. MHGE showed a higher TPC(21.41 ± 0.04 mg GAE/g DW) than NJ (2.90 ± 0.02 mg/g DW) andIJ (6.40 ± 0.01 mg/g DW). By contrast, no large differences in totalanthocyanin content were observed between the three juices (Table3). In a previous works (Orak, 2007)], reported that the correlationbetween antioxidant activity and TPC was more significantthan with TAC. Thus, a high antioxidant activity of MHGE is expecteddue to its high content in colourless polyphenols.MHGE, NJ and IJ were also compared by their physical characteristicsas weight, volume, Brix degree, pH and colour (Table 3).The three juices have close pH values but different sweetness valuesas expressed by Brix degrees. As evidenced by a hab value near0, the colour of the natural juice supplemented with the MHG extractwas darker and redder than the natural juice (hab 45).3.5. Sensorial testsThe results of sensorial tests for the three juices (Fig. 3) are correlatedwith their physical characteristics. The panellists found NJsweeter than the other juices, whereas the astringency, acidity,smell and global evaluation of the three juices approximately gavethe same attributes. Otherwise, the colour of the supplementedjuice (IJ) was more attractive than that of the natural juice, whichis an important point as colour is typically the first sensorial qualitythat attracts attention and influences the consumer’s choice.
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