Also, I think he is really good-looking. He's quite tall with sandy-coloured hair, and twinkly, dark brown eyes. He's had lots 15 of girlfriends, but I don't think there is anyone particularly special at the moment. He has a great relationship with his flatmates, they are always laughing and joking together. He knows how to have fun but he's also an extremely caring person. I can talk to him about all kinds of problems that I could not discuss with my 20 parents. He's very understanding of someone my age. He works hard, and he plays hard. He's had lots of auditions for various theatrical roles. He hasn't had much luck yet, but I'm sure that one day he'll be a highly successful actor. I think he's really talented but he says he doesn't want to be rich or famous, he just 2s wants to prove to himself that he's a good actor.