The balcony immediately below Mr Hoppy's jutted out a good bit further from the his own, so Mr Hoppy always had a fine view was going on down there. This balcony of an attractive middle-aged lady called belonged Mrs to M Silver was a widow also lived who alone. although she didn't know it, it was she who was the Hoppy's secret He had loved her from his balcony for many years, but he was a very shy man and he had never been able to bring himself to give her even the smallest hint of his love. Every morning, Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver exchanged polite conversation, the one looking down from above, the other looking up, but that was as far as it ever went. The distance between their balconies might not have been more than a fev, yards, but to Mr Hoppy it seemed like a million miles. He longed to invite Mrs Silver up for a cup of tea and a biscuit, but every time he was about to form the words on his lips, his courage failed him As said, he was a very wery shy man.