Characterization of Green Tea Multiple Emulsion. After
preparation, the multiple green tea multiple emulsion was
characterized regarding itsmicroscopic aspects, conductivity,
pH, phase separation, and rheological behavior, and samples
kept in different storage conditions (8∘C, 25∘C, 40∘C, and
at 40∘C with 75% relative humidity) were followed for a
period of 30 days. Before any observation for different
storage conditions, samples were allowed to return to room
Characterization of Green Tea Multiple Emulsion. Afterpreparation, the multiple green tea multiple emulsion wascharacterized regarding itsmicroscopic aspects, conductivity,pH, phase separation, and rheological behavior, and sampleskept in different storage conditions (8∘C, 25∘C, 40∘C, andat 40∘C with 75% relative humidity) were followed for aperiod of 30 days. Before any observation for differentstorage conditions, samples were allowed to return to roomtemperature.
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