Previous research on the impact of effective OSH management has focused largely on the financial benefits. One study presented 19 case studies demonstrating the costs and benefits of effective health and safety initiatives in organisations across a variety of industry sectors (Marsden et al., 2004). These benefits included cost savings such as improved absence management and reductions in specific occupational injuries (e.g. manual handling injuries). Indeed, the case for demonstrating the economic value of occupational health and safety investments and interventions is growing across academic, public policy and industry arenas
(Baril-Gingras et al., 2006; Tompa et al., 2009). However, the value of OSH investments is by its very nature multi-faceted, with indices used to measure value extending across objective measures (e.g. turnover, absence, etc.) and subjective measures (e.g. employee attitudes, etc.) (Miller and Murphy, 2006).