I like the way u talk ..it gives me a feeling that u r sincere and a nice good woman .yes u r ryt neither I am perfect and neither u r perfect we learn from our mistakes ..I admire your truthfulness and sincerity ..
I also never had that I would ever go in for a dating site ..Most thai woman are really good but unfortunately the men they had in their lives left them for some other woman giving them a child in their lap..we all want love and care from each other so all of them searching for one good soul to love them ..Even I am living a simple life still I feel lonely even how busy I could keep myself ..
You are the first woman over here who showed me ur family pictures and is talking to me ..Most of the woman are more interested in white guys ..well precisely thats true they are handsome and well white too..so the attraction is there ..but does a man really needs to have great looks so the woman could be attracted towards him? I dont agree on that..its the man's personality his way of talking being patient and should speak less listen more ..
I agree on it ..that love needs time to develop I can say about myself I am not at all handsome or dashing ..so any woman could fall in love with me instantly...but I can say that what I have other many men dont have...A strong character ..thats most important ..being with just one woman..loving her till death..we are not living in ancient era where men used to have many wives ..we are living in modern world ..and its moving fast..so A man can only live with one woman ..if he flirts he losses everyone that comes in touch with him...A flirt will always be a flirt ..he doesn't have space for a family..and a good healthy relationship
I do agree many beautiful woman in this world ..but what will man do with a beautiful woman if she is arrogant hyper and bad attitude ..its better to have a simple woman ..at least I dont hv to guard her all the time ...
I have to meet u first at the right time and the right place ..I like that u daily communicate with me and we are trying to know each other thoughts ..I learnt one thing good about this dating sites ...U need to hold ur patience ..becoz when u have patience everything gonna work out fine
I smiled once when I read somewhere..." If a woman gets hyper or angry at the man ..just distance yourself from her and throw her a chocolate and just smile'
Its really cool to do that..woman are emotional they forgive easily..God made their heart soft and good...so just a man needs to take care of her and respect her feelings and emotions ..